Saturday, 24 December 2011

Superheroes or misleading idols?

Been gone for so long, will give you the deetz when I get my internet fixed. 
For now, here's a speech I wrote for the rotskyy competiion. 

Ladies, Gentlemen.. Superhero fans. I can’t classify them as men or woman exactly since they support people that wear their underwear over tights.I’m sure by now you all know that I believe, Superheroes are actually misleading idols. 
First of all, they DON’T exist. Spiderman won’t rescue you from a burning building, A fireman will. Why not make him your hero? I doubt any 10 year old holding a DC comic would agree to that.
 I’m sure all of you have heard the first impression is the last impression and the first thing I notice, is the hideous costume. Have you seen the way wonder woman dresses up? With that lack of clothing I wonder who saves the day in winter. 
And the fact that everyone actually idolizes them is disappointing. Starting from little girls who think they’re capable of being power puff and might even end up asking their fathers “Did you make us in a frying pan too? “ Thankfully, I never had that sort of urge rather when I was younger I had a desire to get bitten by a spider so that my spidey sense would tingle and a web would awkwardly emerge out of my wrist without realizing how dangerous it could actually be to experiment. Maybe that’s what encouraged self harming, checking for hidden webs under your skin, Failure to find any eventually leading to social suicide. 
What most mothers forget to tell their children is that you can buy costumes of Ebay but superpowers aren’t included in the package. And God knows how many kids have had to undergo a surgery while imitating these superhero stunts. I'm quite convinced how Batman is the leading cause of many kids jumping off their roofs every day. Come to think of it this might be the reason why two kids soared passed me yesterday while I was taking an evening stroll. And you thought you could get away with giving me misleading statistics about kids chasing kites during the basant season, did you? 
Turns out, it’s not the just news that promotes violence. It’s also these superheroes. Gone are the days when fights could be resolved by sharing lunch and maybe a hug but according to superman- Beat up the bad guys! Even 5 year old nowadays prefer breaking teeth instead of saying sorry. 
I bet all of you have noticed that all these superheroes contradict the statement that man is imperfect which increase complex in kids. Superheroes never fail at anything which makes winning necessary and people are driven by the fact that winning is the goal and if you don’t win, you’re a failure. That’s where the problem begins. Superheroes never lose teeth or lose a fight. It’s just that they save the day every time. And that discourages kids. 
Truth is – there's really no such thing as perfect! So if you're struggling to make it "just perfect" you're directing your energy into something that's impossible to achieve, and essentially a waste of your time. By seeking the all-elusive goal of perfection, it's really just an avoidance method and an opportunity to keep from moving.
Next time you find a suicide note saying I did not find a spiderweb under my skin, Do not be surprised.


  1. Fatimaa,

    A much needed warning. Children must be told that these are just story characters and there is none such figure in real life. Tell them to enjoy stories but not to try out stunts.

    Take care

  2. Hi, Nice post thanks for sharing. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back.



  3. Fatima,

    This is to wish EID MUBARAK to all of you.

    Take care

  4. Fatima,

    EID MUBARAK to all of you.

    Take care

  5. This post was just awesome, I learnt a lot and it also helped me in my assignment. :D

  6. I loved this speech!! I'm going to be using parts of it as my debate speech :P

  7. heyyy :)
    I have the ROTSKY competition this Sunday.
    doing the same topic, but I believe they are not the misleading guides ;)
    BTW, loved your speech, did you qualify ?
    I hope I do good too :)

  8. Fatimaa,

    Eid Mubarak to all of you. May God bless you with whatever you wish for.

    Take care

    PS : Wish I could send an e-card!

  9. Fatimaa,

    EID MUBARAK to all of you.

    Take care

  10. B/ulbulay Darama Episodes


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