Friday, 15 April 2011

It's About Time.

Yes, it's about time I get serious with my studies. Not studying and getting good grades has made me over-confident(yes, iSmart :D) . With exams just two blocks away, I think I should really get serious with my studies now.

BUT HOW? Everything else seems so much more interesting when I grab my books. I really need to figure out a way to concentrate Studies. Yes.

So yeah.I wont be blogging for a while. I'm off to thee study planet.
So ciao ya'll
Don't miss me too much. ;)


  1. Yes, I have the same problem. Try telling yourself over and over that great studies lead to a good job. The thing that gets me running to my books is the dreaded thought of working as a cashier at McDonald's one day. That HAUNTS me...

    Nice blog.

    Peas out. :P

  2. Fatimaa,

    It is never good to be overconfident. Do not neglect your studies. Make a flexible time table giving time for everything alongwith studies. Do keep time for relaxation in whatever way you wish to. But studies must get priority. Best of luck for examinations.

    Take care

  3. Thank you Maryam And Furree :D

    @Eeshie : Hahahahahh.Oh my gosh nice idea. But, I'm already thinking of being an ice cream man. That way I wouldn't need studies I'd just need a tune =P

    @Jack : I know it isn't, that's why I'm trying to tell myself that I'm a very very dumb person who really needs to start studying. Thank you so much for you advice. I need the luck :D

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. LOL.Yes, It's one heck of a kisser =P

  6. good luck on your exam. thanks for dropping by my page and for following me. I followed you back.

  7. wait i have to say this. I love kisses.. lol..

  8. Thank you so much :D Yes, kisses can be flattering xD

  9. Lovelyyy blog!! love the layout and the fonts!!! and that jeans post.... GOD!! lets strangle that brat together!! self obsessed kids!


  10. Just when I found your blog, you decided to be unavailable for 'STUDIES'!? Haye. Sad.
    All the best with the exams.

  11. @ Crimson Coral : Thank you soo muchhh :D Oh, I'd LOVE to do that. Kids like that annoy me! Thanks :D

    @ AcetylCholine : Don'tchu worry, I can't live without blogging.. So I'll be back soon xD Thanks :)


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